What stock exchange is GMS, Inc's common stock traded on and what is its ticker symbol
GMS’ common stock is currently traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol “GMS”.
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How do I invest in GMS’ common stock?
GMS’ common stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or financial institution that offers brokerage services. GMS does not currently have a direct stock purchase plan.
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Does GMS pay a quarterly dividend on its common stock?
GMS has not paid a quarterly dividend to date. Future quarterly dividend payments are subject to approval and declaration by the Board of Directors.
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Does GMS have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?
GMS does not currently offer a dividend reinvestment plan.
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Has GMS ever had a stock split?
<li>Since its inception as a publicly traded company, GMS has not had any stock splits.</li>
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When did GMS first become a public company?
GMS debuted as a public company in 2016 and began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on May 26, 2016.
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What is GMS’ fiscal year?
GMS uses a fiscal year that ends on April 30th.
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How can I obtain copies of financial information for GMS?
Most of the company's reports and financial filings can be retrieved from the News Releases, Financial Reports or SEC Filings sections of this website. They can also be accessed via the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) website at www.sec.gov. For additional information, you can submit your request at the Information Request section of this website.
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How do I contact GMS’ Investor Relations?
Carey Phelps
Vice President
Email: ir@gms.com
Phone: 770-723-3369
All other inquiries, not related to Investor Relations should be addressed to marketing@gms.com
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Where is GMS’ headquarters?
100 Crescent Centre Parkway Suite 800, Tucker, GA 30084
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Who serves as the registrar and transfer agent for GMS?
Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.is the registrar and transfer agent for GMS, Inc.’s common stock. Broadridge is available to resolve problems related to unpaid dividends, lost, destroyed or stolen certificates, as well as to facilitate name and address changes. The toll-free phone number for Broadridge is (877) 830-4936 and the e-mail address is shareholder@broadridge.com. Please visit www.broadridge.com for more information.
Regular Mail Communication items should be sent to:
Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions
P.O. Box 1342
Brentwood, NY 11717
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